Approved Plans
Specific Plans and Precise Plans
Central Area Specific Plan(PDF, 46MB)
Central Area Specific Plan Final EIR and Errata Sheet(PDF, 24MB)
Central Area Specific Plan EIR Appendices(PDF, 138MB)
Gateway Center Specific Plan(PDF, 28MB)
Gateway Center Specific Plan ISMND(PDF, 6MB)
Salinas Ag Industrial Center Specific Plan(PDF, 110MB)
Salinas Ag Industrial Center Specific Plan Final EIR(PDF, 2MB)
Salinas Ag Industrial Center Specific Plan Draft Program EIR (July 2009)(PDF, 10MB)
Salinas Ag Industrial Center Specific Plan Appendices (Combined)(PDF, 45MB)
Salinas Ag Industrial Center Specific Plan MMRP(PDF, 165KB)
Salinas Ag Industrial Specific Plan Amendment ((PDF, 1MB)SPA 2021-001)
Salinas Ag Industrial Specific Plan Amendment(PDF, 1MB) (SPA 2024-001)
Amazon Site Plan Review Approval (SPR 2024-009)(PDF, 66MB)
Notice of Exemption (NOE) for SPR 2024-009(PDF, 61KB)
Salinas Travel Center Specific Plan(PDF, 20MB)
West Area Specific Plan(PDF, 86MB)
West Area Specific Plan Final EIR(PDF, 19MB)
West Area Specific Plan Public Review DEIR Technical Appendices(PDF, 54MB)
Westridge Center Precise Plan(PDF, 4MB)
Westridge Center Precise Plan EIR(PDF, 57MB)