Alisal District Identity Master Plan

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ADIMP Concept 1

Titled "Building Blocks," this concept visualizes that the Alisal is like a rich tapestry, woven together from the diverse people and vibrant cultures that have lived there throughout its history, continue to live there today, and will shape its future.

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ADIMP Concept 2

Titled "The Grove," this concept visualizes the Spanish meaning of "Alisal" which is a "grove of alder trees." "Alisal" also means (literally) community.

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ADIMP Concept 3

Titled "Facets," this concept visualizes the multi-faceted and wonderfully diverse nature of the community.

C3 Wall Covering.png

Project Area Map

This is a map of the project area.

ADIMP Project Area Map.jpg


The East Salinas community (the Alisal) has a unique identity within the larger City of Salinas. However, Alisal's cultural identity is not currently strongly reflected in its current environment. The Alisal District Identity Master Plan aims to strengthen both the cultural identity and physical identity of the district. The Alisal District Identity Master Plan (ADIMP) project is apart of the implementation of the Alisal Vibrancy Plan.


Draft Alisal District Identity Master Plan

The Alisal District Identity Master Plan offers guidelines for the East Salinas community to strengthen the district’s identity. These include streetscape improvements, open space improvements, façade improvements, graphic identity, and public art.

The Alisal neighborhood of Salinas first began as its own entity housing migrants from the Dust Bowl as an unincorporated part of Monterey County. It was named after a grove of sycamore trees that were native to the region. In 1963, the Alisal was annexed into the City of Salinas. The term “Alisal” or “The Alisal” can have multiple meanings. For some, it is used when referring to East Salinas, for others it is the East Alisal Corridor, or Alisal High School. In this plan, Alisal is used interchangeably with East Salinas.

The Alisal is a distinctive neighborhood within Salinas, with a place in Californian history as a place of agriculture, migration, and settlement of Mexicans, Latin Americans, Chicanos, Filipinos, Okies and other cultures and a core part of the greater Salinas Valley, which is known as the “Salad Bowl of the World” due to its major role in the production of lettuce and other crops.

The Alisal District Identity Master Plan aims to strengthen both the cultural identity and physical identity of the neighborhood to better match the cultural richness, community spirit, and diversity of the area.

Public review comments can be emailed to me – Oscar Resendiz at or by calling me at 831-775-4259 (direct line).

Salinas ADMIP Public Draft (single page)(PDF, 21MB)

Salinas ADIMP Public Draft (book style)(PDF, 8MB)

Public review comment window May 17th – June 17th.


District Identity Topics

The Alisal District Identity Master Plan will include:

  • District Identity Themes and Branding
  • Public Art Guidelines
  • Corridor Design Guidelines
  • Facade Design Guidelines
  • An Implementation and Maintenance Plan


Outreach Activities

The team invites you to participate in developing the Plan. Currently, we are gathering feedback on the concepts through our ADIMP Survey (found below) and conducting small pop-ups throughout the Alisal for public input. Stay tuned on more ways to get involved!

Alisal Farmer's Market Pop-Up

City staff set-up a table at the Everyone's Harvest Farmer's Market in the Alisal.



An example of a pop-up event at Los Abuelitos Senior Apartments.

ADIMP Los Abuelitos Pop Up.jpg

National Night Out (Closter Park) Pop-Up

City staff hearing public feedback at a community event!

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Los Abuelitos Pop-Up Discussion

City staff writing down public feedback given by community members!

Los Abuelitos Pop-Up Disucssion.jpg

Firehouse Food Drive Pop-Up

City staff visited the food drive at the Firehouse Recreation Center.


Firehouse Pop-Up

City staff visited the Firehouse Recreation Center.


District Graphic Identity Survey

What is your opinion about the three concepts presented for the District Graphic Identity? Comments about these initial ideas will inform the final outcome. 

ADIMP Concepts(PDF, 3MB)


Alisal Design Workshop

The Alisal Design Workshop was held on September 30th. Community members had an opportunity to meet the team working on the projects, hear the background of concepts, and give their feedback. Attendees were presented with potential options for design standards for public art, corridor identity, and storefront design. Below you will find photos of the workshop and examples of corridor concepts presented at the workshop.

Corridor Identity will be split into three zones: The Pueblo, The Core, and The Green Braid. Find out more below:


The Pueblo (El Corazon)

The Pueblo (El Corazón)


The Pueblo Corridor Opportunities

This slide illustrates the existing conditions on Market St and highlights the opportunities for improvements.


The Pueblo Corridor Actions

This slide demonstrates the possible actions that can be taken to improve the safety and character of the area.

Alisal Gateway_2-Actions.jpg

The Pueblo Corridor Vision

This slide demonstrates how corridors in The Pueblo zone could look.

Alisal Gateway_3-Vision.jpg

The Core (El Cuerpo)

The Core (El Cuerpo)


The Core Corridor Opportunities

This slide illustrates the existing conditions on Williams Rd and highlights the opportunities for improvements.

Williams Road_1-Opportunites.jpg

The Core Corridor Actions

This slide demonstrates the possible actions that can be taken to improve the safety and character of the area.

Williams Road_2-Actions.jpg

The Core Corridor Vision

This slide demonstrates how corridors in The Core zone could look.

Williams Road_3-Vision.jpg

The Green Braid (Las Venas Verdes)

The Green Braid (Las Venas Verdes)

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The Green Braid Opportunities

This slide illustrates the existing conditions at Natividad Creek on Market & Sanborn and highlights the opportunities for improvements.

Natividad Creek_ 1-Opportunities.jpg

The Green Braid Actions

This slide demonstrates the possible actions that can be taken to improve the safety and character of the area.

Natividad Creek_2-Actions.jpg

The Green Braid Vision

This slide demonstrates how corridors in The Green Braid zone could look

Natividad Creek_3-Vision.jpg

Alisal Design Workshop Photos

Alisal Design Workshop Overview

This photo demonstrates the layout of the workshop.


Alisal Design Workshop 2

Community members having conversations with City staff. Attendees also had the opportunity to color in their own corridor designs.

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Community Boards

Community members having discussions while looking at the Community Boards.


Community Boards 2


Community Comments

Community members were encouraged to vote on features they enjoy and give feedback on concepts.


Community Comments 2

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Project Schedule

  • Community Engagement: Summer 2023
  • Focus Group: Late Summer 2023
  • Design Workshop: Fall 2023
  • Project Completion: Early 2024


Contact Us

Oscar Resendiz - 831-775-4259/

Maria Contreras - 831-758-7429/