Public Notices

Notice of Election


November 5, 2024

California Elections Code 12101

Notice is hereby given that a general municipal election will be held in the City of Salinas on Tuesday, the 5th day of November 2024 for the following officers:

  • Mayor, two-year term
  • City Councilmember, District 1, four- year term
  • City Councilmember, District 3, two-year term (Special Consolidated Election)
  • City Councilmember, District 4, four-year term
  • City Councilmember, District 6, four-year term

In keeping with the Charter of Salinas Section 2.5(b) the term of office of a Councilmember who files as a candidate for the Office of Mayor shall automatically expire on the Tuesday next succeeding the general municipal election held following that filing. The filing period for candidates to fill such Councilmember's term shall be extended an additional five days.

The nomination filing period opens on Monday, July 15, 2024.  The regular nomination filing period closes at 4:00 P.M. on Friday, August 9, 2024.  If the incumbent does not file, or fails to qualify, during the regular filing period, the filing period for that office will be extended to other candidates until 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.  The official Nomination Paper shall be obtained from the Salinas City Clerk’s Office at 200 Lincoln Avenue, Salinas, California 93901, (831) 758-7381 by appointment only.

The polls will be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Please contact the Monterey County Elections Office at (831) 796-1499 for polling locations.

Dated this 4th day of July 2024.


Patricia M. Barajas
Salinas City Clerk

Notice of Election 2024(PDF, 186KB)

Annual Action Plan FY 2024-2025

Proposed Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 HUD Entitlement CDBG, HOME, ESG Funds


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 13, 2024, the City of Salinas (City) will make available the draft fiscal year (FY) 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan (Action Plan).

The Action Plan describes the proposed activities to be implemented with FY 2024-2025 (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025) HUD entitlement Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding. The Action Plan details the City’s programs, projects and activities that will be undertaken with HUD’s CDBG, HOME and ESG entitlement funding.

In FY 2024-2025, the City anticipates receiving up to $2,015,627 in HUD entitlement CDBG funds; $60,000 in CDBG Program Income (PI); $812,241 in HOME funds; $313,000 in HOME PI; and $182,225 in ESG funds. Funding is based on FY 2023-24 funding allocations, estimated program income and/or prior years’ unallocated funds. Funding amounts will be adjusted when the final allocations are published by HUD.


FY 24-25 AAP Public Notice - SPA(PDF, 125KB)

FY 24-25 AAP Public Notice - ENG(PDF, 122KB)

To view the Annual Action Plan, click here.

Draft Alisal District Identity Master Plan

The Alisal District Identity Master Plan offers guidelines for the East Salinas community to strengthen the district’s identity. These include streetscape improvements, open space improvements, façade improvements, graphic identity, and public art.

The Alisal neighborhood of Salinas first began as its own entity housing migrants from the Dust Bowl as an unincorporated part of Monterey County. It was named after a grove of sycamore trees that were native to the region. In 1963, the Alisal was annexed into the City of Salinas. The term “Alisal” or “The Alisal” can have multiple meanings. For some, it is used when referring to East Salinas, for others it is the East Alisal Corridor, or Alisal High School. In this plan, Alisal is used interchangeably with East Salinas.

The Alisal is a distinctive neighborhood within Salinas, with a place in Californian history as a place of agriculture, migration, and settlement of Mexicans, Latin Americans, Chicanos, Filipinos, Okies and other cultures and a core part of the greater Salinas Valley, which is known as the “Salad Bowl of the World” due to its major role in the production of lettuce and other crops.


Mobilehome Park Max Allowable Annual Increase Notice

Subject to the provisions of Salinas City Code Chapter 17.1, the maximum allowable annual mobilehome park rent increase effective February 1, 2024 is 2.56%. Rent increase shall not be effective until the landlord has given notice required by State law. 

The CPI increased 3.41% between August 2022 and August 2023. Accordingly, the maximum mobilehome park rent increase shall be 2.56%.

Please see below notice mailed and posted on October 9, 2023. 

Mobilehome-Max-Annual-Rent-Increase-Notice(PDF, 256KB)

Notice of Exemption for the City of Salinas 2023-2031 Housing Element

On December 5, 2023, the City of Salinas adopted its 2023-2031 (6thCycle) Housing Element and found it exempt from CEQA under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) as discussed in the attached Notice of Exemption and technical memorandum. For more on the City's Housing Element process, please visit the project's website.


Salinas Broadband Master Plan Public Review

The Broadband Master Plan is a strategy for the City of Salinas to establish a City-wide fiber network that prioritizes underserved and unserved communities and local economic development opportunities.

The City of Salinas obtained state funding through the Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) program; this funding award stipulated that the City had to create a plan for infrastructure upgrades to support broadband deployment in the Alisal neighborhood and also create a plan to expand broadband deployment to the rest of the City in the future. Additionally, the funding included provisions for the development of construction plans for broadband infrastructure within the Alisal neighborhood. The Alisal Neighborhood fiber network design was completed and submitted in January 2024 for permitting. It is important to note that the LATA funding allows for planning of future broadband infrastructure but does not include funding for construction activities. The preliminary planning for a public Wi-Fi network plan in the Alisal Neighborhood is also included in this Broadband Master Plan.

The Broadband Master Plan continues the City’s ongoing efforts to improve connectivity by investing in broadband infrastructure that will support residential, business, and governmental needs. In 2015, the City of Salinas adopted a Broadband Plan to develop local broadband infrastructure and encourage local economic growth in targeted areas. Since 2015, the City of Salinas has adopted broadband-friendly policies in order to increase broadband availability and upgrade broadband infrastructure. .


Public review comments can be emailed to me – Michael Gomez at or by calling me at 831-758-7986 (direct line).



Salinas-Broadband-Master-Plan.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

SHARE Center RFP Public Notice

Due Date: May 20, 2024 by 5:00 PM (PST)

The City of Salinas (City) and the County of Monterey (County) are seeking a qualified operator (Operator) for the emergency shelter and navigation center known as the SHARE Center in Salinas, California. This Request for Proposals (RFP) will form the basis of the City and County’s selection process.

Currently, the SHARE Center serves up to 100 people experiencing homelessness at a point in time, including both single individuals and families with children.  The SHARE Center provides services under a housing navigation model, offering emergency shelter and wraparound services under a Housing First approach. The City and County have published this RFP to select an Operator for the facility to continue making progress towards the mutual goal to reduce homelessness within their respective jurisdictions.

The full RFP Public Notice is available HERE(PDF, 141KB).

The full RFP is available on the City website: Services

Wastewater Collection Annual Rate Report

Wastewater Collection Annual Rate Report

A public hearing will be held before the Salinas City Council on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 4:00 pm in the City Hall Rotunda, 200 Lincoln Avenue, Salinas, to consider a resolution approving the City’s 2024-2025 Annual Rate Report for Wastewater Collection and directing collection of the charges detailed in the report on the Monterey County Tax Roll. The City of Salinas Annual Rate Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 has been prepared and filed with the City Clerk.

PROTEST OPTION: The owner of any parcel subject to the fees and charges detailed in the report may submit a written protest prior to the close of the public hearing. If a majority of property owners submit a written protest, the City will be prohibited from collecting the fees set forth on the Monterey County Tax Roll. A valid written protest must include your name, the parcel at which you receive wastewater collection service and a statement of protest. Protests can be submitted at the City Clerk’s Office, 200 Lincoln Avenue, in person during the City Council meeting, or via mail:

City of Salinas, City Clerk

Attn: Annual Rate Report Protest

200 Lincoln Avenue, Salinas, CA 93901

Wastewater Annual Rate Report 2024 - Amended 06.14.24(PDF, 14MB)

Monthly Add on Rates of Member Entities for FY 2019-20.pdf(PDF, 293KB)

M1W Rate Increase Report 20 08 18 newest.pdf(PDF, 295KB)

M1W Rate Increase 2020 Cost per Account Chart.pdf(PDF, 236KB)

M1W Prop 218 - FINAL.pdf(PDF, 469KB)